For some people, birthday is just a day. Even Scorpio man doesn’t say anything, doesn’t demand, deep inside his heart, Scorpio man wants to have someone to celebrate the birthday with him, and for him. He wants to feel loved, and be loved.

Do you feel pity when Scorpio man celebrates his birthday alone by doing some activities? For example, reward himself the morning time in the library, the lunch in his favorite place, the afternoon in the cinema/theatre, the walk after eating, the night home alone? Devote almost his birthday to his carrier?

A quick “happy birthday” note is not enough for Scorpio man. He wants more. He expects more when you share an intimate relationship with him. Even with his parents, Scorpio man probably not celebrate his birthday with his parents. Maybe, his parents are so busy that don’t have time to create the birthday party for Scorpio man. You know Scorpio man will return what he receives. When Scorpio man feels his parents distant, cold toward him at an early age, he could reject his parent’s existence at adulthood. To him, perhaps, it’s leftover the family duty, the responsibility, and the relationship on paper only. There would not have loved since a long time ago.

With the role of Scorpio man’s friends, his girlfriend, would you save him? Would you surprise him by doing something? To make him feel his birthday is the special day. To make him feel special. To let him know to be wanted. To let him feel the love that his parents can’t give to him?

Birthday gifts plus ideas based on Scorpio man’s need

In this section, we focus on the category: Scorpio man’s need. It’s a little funny when we try to find a gift suitable for Scorpio man’s need. Usually, it’s the Scorpio man who provides the need for others. And now, we should do something for returning his kindness.

The most important Scorpio man need is sex. If you are his friend, and Scorpio man is still single. Perhaps a sex toy will be a good idea.

If you are the Scorpio’s girlfriend, well…it’s a little odd but sex toy as a gift is not so bad. Scorpio man would expect more since you are his girlfriend. Thus, investing sexy underwear or the tight Victoria Secret’s lingerie for yourself probably a better idea. And then, you will invite Scorpio man for a romantic dinner on his birthday. Next, you will show off the new lingerie for him in the bathroom. You know what happens next, right?

If you didn’t have confidence with your body, booking a deep tissue massage for Scorpio man will satisfy his need. At least, -.- temporary satisfy him. Aigoo~ after the massage session, Scorpio man will have some creative and naughty ideas that he wants to try with his girlfriend haha If you don’t grasp the opportunity, you would regret later since Scorpio man would find another woman to help him for his need.

Well… that is the Scorpio man logic. Even he has sex with another woman, but his heart, his mind, his love are all for you as his girlfriend. It’s nothing except his body need. He doesn’t have any feelings, emotions when having sex with another woman. That is NOT considered as the betrayal. (at least to him -.-)

The second thing Scorpio man need is nutrition. Obviously, it means food. Yet, Scorpio expects something deeper and more meaningful. Scorpio man is expecting. On his birthday, it would be so good if he can enjoy a home-cook meal. For him to feel special, feel care, feel loved. Also for his stomach! ? After eating food, enjoying a good drink haha Scorpio man wants to “eat” you too. Maybe right at the table before moving to the bed? and then, to the bathroom? Or on the sofa?

The third thing Scorpio need would be something can help him sleep well at night. Scorpio man usually doubts others. Scorpio man also doesn’t trust, believe in other easy. Even Scorpio man witness your loyalty, your care, your love for him, sometimes he feels there is something still missing. Perhaps, it’s just his worries.

A personal safe would bring some benefits to Scorpio man for him to hide his secrets.

A calming candle with a strong favor placing next to his bed, Scorpio man would not think so much at the nigh and fall in sleep much easier. Don’t think about using sex to help him sleep. It would have the opposite effect. Once you inspire the passion in Scorpio man, he will sacrifice his sleep for having sex with his girlfriend hours after hours. Perhaps haha all night long. Scorpio man loves the intensity after all!

All three of his need summaries as nutrition, sex, and sleep. Above are some suggestions. Customized more to fit your Scorpio man. He wants to have clear ownership of the things he believes he has.

Birthday gifts plus ideas boosting Scorpio man’s mysterious

Mysterious of Scorpio man is hard to explain. Somehow, all people around can feel Scorpio man has something very attractive. It feels like a black hole. Mysterious yet dangerous. Finding a gift for boosting Scorpio man’s mysterious is not an easy task. Making a mysterious gift for Scorpio man would be harder.

The first birthday gift for satisfying Scorpio man’s mysterious and his curiosity is the Werewolf social card game.

Wikipedia will tell you more about the Werewolf card game.

The benefit when Scorpio man receives this gift:

  • Satisfy his fighting spirit inside when debating, discuss, investigating.
  • Satisfy his dark side about the “killing” feeling. In literally.
  • Satisfy his want to tell the complete liar without worry very much since it’s just a game.
  • Having a fun time with friends.
  • Boosting more his curiosity when he has the villager’s card.

Below is the example of the Werewolf card game video. The game calls one-night ultimate werewolf. Order with Amazon Prime-> invite Scorpio man to play with friends. He would love to be the Werewolf

About this game, I have had little experience. At that time, it’s lucky that I have my Scorpio friend to join the game. Oh man… I feel he enjoys the game when he won the game as the werewolf role. At the end of the game, he laughs so hard when he is proud to be the Werewolf role. And he has killed all. He also points out other mistakes during all the nights. He can confirm other character’s roles after the game ends.

Back then, our group of friends plays the older version of this Werewolf game. It has more than one night. With a group with 5 players, the werewolf kills one character each night. When the day comes, all the survivors (included the werewolf) debate and find out who is the werewolf. And then, we choose to vote for sacrificing the suspicious person.

Most of the time, the werewolf can kill more people after the vote. I have seen just a few times all the villagers vote to kill the correct werewolf. At one time haha it is me. I was killed by all of the villager’s votes. I am not so good to tell the liars haha

When we have more than 5 players, the number of werewolves also increases. With 7,8 players, the werewolf team will have two instead of one werewolf. Once the players over 10, the werewolf team has an extra minion player who is the villagers but work for the werewolf team. The minion will win if the werewolf team won.

It also has the werewolf minor character too. Each night, the werewolf minor will grow up a little bit. Until full-mature, the werewolf team has an extra person. Aigoo~ it’s fun to watch from outside when the werewolf team discusses who they will kill each night!

The second birthday gift serves for maintaining the Scorpio man’s mysterious. It’s the clothing and accessories.

If you pay attention to your Scorpio man fashion style, his mysterious comes from the black color. When you have known his size, you can order some clothes online from Macy, JC. Penny, Gucci, etc. One small attention is you should choose the black color or the dark color. Somehow, Scorpio man looks good with the black.

Or you can arrange a date in the shopping mall with your Scorpio man. Let him choose what he wants. If he lets you choose, your options might be:

  • A warm scarf
  • A warm coat for winter
  • A shirt for sleeping
  • A designed pant
  • Even new underwear for him hihi

After all, Scorpio man wants to engrave or do something to the clothes. For expressing his ownership.

The last idea’s a handmade gift crafted in a mysterious-look box

The handmade gift…actually you can order and customized with some online stores. When you have time, you can make it with your bare hand.

The problem would be the mysterious-look, right? Amazon Prime will deliver what you want in two-days shipping at your door.

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